Finally, we own a Key Lime Tree! (Citrus aurantiifolia)
Indeed, we now have a Key Lime Tree in our garden! Wooo!!! Sigh…
Oh, the many Key Lime Pies I will make! If you don't already know, I have a passion for Key Lime Pie, among many other things. So, at one point I finally decided it was high time to start making my own - you can check out my Homemade Key Lime Pie recipe here.
This wonderful baby Key Lime tree (Citrus aurantiifolia) came from Home Depot and we've planted her in a sunny spot. I hope she thrives! In other words, I hope the dogs don't urinate it to death! As with both our Mango trees, we've had to put these guards around the young plant to shield it from just that...
I think this is black container is something my mother had leftover from a larger tree that she planted a while back. Like my grandmother, she has learned to be resourceful and reuse things like this. My grandmother is as green as they come, she tries to get as many uses/lives out of things as possible before she sends them off to the landfill, and I admire that. So remember to get creative and use that brain, look for the potential in things instead of immediately throwing them away. The garden is a great place to get innovative!
Key Limes have a distinct flavor from other types of citrus, apart from being much more tart. They're are also known as Mexican limes, West Indian limes, bartender’s limes, or Omani limes… However, Key Lime is most common around here in Florida due its use in the famous dessert - Key Lime Pie - that is said to have originated in Key West. You can read more about the history of Key Lime Pie here.
It has been a few months since we planted her but she has already grown far past the lip of the guard that we installed. I will check back soon with an update to show you how much she has grown, I can't wait for the day when we can pick our first Key Limes! Also, note that commercially, Key Limes are picked when they are still green, however they are actually ripe when they turn yellow. My uncle taught me that, he has had his own Key Lime Tree for quite some time (check out my post about his beautiful home and plants here), and they are best when yellow and fully ripe. Also, once the tree starts giving fruit, it gives a lot! Yipeee…. Key Limes and Key Lime Pies for everyone! ;)
I love the change in color at the tips of the branches where the new growth is!
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