Bohemian Fashion V

I've been cleaning out my closet, storage, and jewelry box lately, mostly in preparation for another funky bohemian garage sale! I'm calling this one Bohemian Caravan Yard Sale, hehe... More to come on all the delicious details of how I plan to decorate and stage this garage sale - I promise to take better photos this year!
Anyway, I always knew I had a lot of clothes, but during this overhaul I really realized just how much! I emptied everything out of my closet and boxes in storage (in my mom's garage) and sorted through it all - it was chaos. Luckily, I was in a reasonable mood and was able to "let go" of a lot of things. You know how that is right? It's hard to let go of certain pieces, maybe because you hope to fit in it again...some day, or just convincing yourself that you'll wear it (but never ever will), regardless of how long it has been stuffed in the abyss of your belongings.... Ya get me? Well, I was strong... I have a lot to get rid of.
I was thinking I'd haul my clothing and accessories (belts, purses, scarves) over to a local used clothing store called Plato's Closet. It's really cool store, in fact I've bought a few really pretty (very almost-new) hippy tops there in the past! Since the majority of my clothes is in such good shape and of good material and brands, I thought this option might be worth it, instead of selling everything for $1 at the garage sale. Hopefully I can get more cash back with this route, I'll let you know how it goes. Whatever Plato's Closet does't want, I plan to sell at the upcoming yard sale, whatever is leftover from that will get donated.
So I wanted to tell you that I fell in love with my wardrobe all over again during my recent closet purge. I'm a bit ashamed to say that I rediscovered many pieces I forgot I had! I ooh'd and ahh'd as if I was finding things in the store for the first time, hehehe. Then again, I've been living in a weird limbo since moving out of my Downtown Miami condo and back home to finish school, many of my clothes and dress shoes have been in plastic containers in my mom's garage for over a year, and others in a closet and dresser. I'm happy to have finally made enough room in my closet and dresser by getting rid of things I don't want, for the sake of the things in boxes that I do want (and miss!) - now my wardrobe is whole again! In other words, can't get away with the whole outta sight outta mind excuse for things that don't get worn!
I recommend that you all go clean out your closets and get rid of things you have not worn in over a year, anything that doesn't fit (unless it almost fits and you love it, then keep it for motivation!), broken or stained items, etc. When you're done, separate items that you're keeping by season - for example it's blazing hot here in Miami and summer is in full swing for us, so I put all of my sweaters, jackets, long-sleeved shirts, etc up out of the way on the top shelf of my closet. I find that organizing my hanging clothing by color, and the clothes in my drawers by type (pajamas, t-shirts, casual blouses and tops with sleeves, and those without sleeves, etc) helps me locate things easier.
Bottom line, I feel better now, my clothes isn't scattered and I can compose better outfits, or ensembles if you will. The lesson I have taken from my extreme clothing accumulation is that I need to stop buying clothes and focus more on what I have. I have so many beautiful things so there is no reason that I should long for more, instead I need to get more creative with how I put together pieces and play around with all of my accessories to make endless outfits. I'll leave you with that idea, apply it to your wardrobe and be content with what you have by challenging yourself to remix it! Here is a taste of some bohemian fashion and accessories that echo my personal style and inspire me to arrange some new outfits from what I already have... ;)
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