The Forgotten Pineapple Plant
I just came across these images while going through my endless photos! Did I ever share this awesome Pineapple that my mother had growing in her yard? I don't think I did, I was probably waiting for it to grow to full maturity and then take more pictures and do a post but I think it got eaten while I wasn't there, not sure. Anyway, I know you will love this amazing work of art from mother nature... the colors are incredible! The plant lives on, so I shall have to do a better job of documenting its pineapple spawning growth next year! :)
I hope everyone is having a great Sunday, enjoy this spur of the moment post - I'm trying to get better at the spur of the moment quick post thing because it's not in my nature. I like the long wordy-overflowing-with-pictures posts! Unfortunately, that usually means they take longer to complete, I would never divulge how many unfinished blog drafts I have lined up - eek! Also, in case you missed it, be sure to check out my post from yesterday - Marrakesh Mind Journey! I've been longing to go to Morocco for some time now, so I just decided to take a journey there through lots of gorgeous images!
More of my garden posts:
My Garden
My Garden Updates
My Mother's Garden
My Grandmother's Garden
Garden Tours

(All images in this post are my personal photographs and were taken by me, please write me an e-mail at InspireBohemia(at)gmail(dot)com if you would like to use them, thank you!)
My Garden
My Garden Updates
My Mother's Garden
My Grandmother's Garden
Garden Tours
(All images in this post are my personal photographs and were taken by me, please write me an e-mail at InspireBohemia(at)gmail(dot)com if you would like to use them, thank you!)