Designing with Maps
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, especially the mothers!! ;)
I want to take a moment to say that lately I've gotten some reader comments and e-mails that have given me some insane ear to ear smiles! I want to thank all of you for your wonderful compliments and say that I am working on responding to each of your e-mails, please be patient with me! I am very happy to know that I have regulars that enjoy Inspire Bohemia, your pleasure makes my efforts well worth it, so thank you!
This post has been in the works for some time now, I've been collecting lots of images featuring interior design and decor using road maps and world maps! Today, after some more (crazed) image scavenging on the internet, I was finally satisfied with my compilation of photos. Each image depicts the gorgeousness of maps when used as a design feature, whether through framed art, posters or wallpaper. Whether you showcase'em in your foyer, living room, dining room, bedroom or kids' room, maps definitely bring a sense of sexy worldliness to any space they inhabit.
So scroll on, because all of the spaces in this post highlight unique and creative ways for incorporating your very own maps into the design of your home! FYI, my next post will feature various forms of artwork made from maps and it's goooooood stuff so stay tuned! In the meantime, what do you think of this post, do you have any framed maps in your home? Do you have any creative ideas for incorporating maps into interior design? I'd love to know, drop me a comment or shoot me an e-mail at!

(All images via a Google image search or