Dreamy outdoor spaces...
I'm hoping that the weather will be better this weekend than last Fourth of July weekend! Argh, all we got was rain. Anyway, I'm sitting here dreaming of being able to stay home and hang out with my plants and drink coffee, just like my blog buddy Julie over at A Succulent Life says in her post as she quotes Betsy CaƱas Garmont, "Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?" Hehehehehe.... sigh. But no, to work I must go, only to return when all of my energies and brain juices are exhausted, I'm looking forward to the weekend!
So speaking of hanging out with plants, that makes me think of beautiful outdoor spaces, here are some photos that I love, I hope they will inspire you to get your outdoor space into shape for the summer ahead! Whether you'll be hosting guests at your place, going elsewhere or just going low-key at home for the day or evening - a beautiful space can soothe the mind and create a peaceful sanctuary for relaxing with nature!
So speaking of hanging out with plants, that makes me think of beautiful outdoor spaces, here are some photos that I love, I hope they will inspire you to get your outdoor space into shape for the summer ahead! Whether you'll be hosting guests at your place, going elsewhere or just going low-key at home for the day or evening - a beautiful space can soothe the mind and create a peaceful sanctuary for relaxing with nature!

And last, my favorite, look at how incredibly gorgeous that cactus plant looks creeping up all the walls and ceiling of this patio! As for the view, it's heavenly..... I want to live somewhere like this on the coast of Europe one day, like on one of the Greek islands.....