Succulent induced happiness.... today during my lunch break, hehe
I just got back from my lunch break, and I was a very bad girl.... Well, bad in the sense that I bought more succulents and cacti! I couldn't help myself, you see every few days this little inner voice urges me to return to Home Depot and K-Mart to see if there are any new succulents/cacti! HAHA! Really, no lie... I must obey it, my inner voice is almost never wrong, and indeed it was spot on today!
Among my treasure are some Haworthias... After reading this wonderful article that my cousin Gina shared with me by Geoff Stein called Haworthias - The Jewels of the Succulent World I was compelled to go find some (more.... hehe, yes I have some already). The article is featured on the website Dave's Garden which in itself is a wealth of information about plants!! Great source... endless things to read and pictures to drool over.....
I was in too much of a rush to take pictures of everything that I bought (and everything else that I wanted to buy) and it's a shame because it's such a beautiful sunny day out and I could have done a post on the Home Depot garden section, hehe. At the moment I am brainstorming on my mother's day gifts, I plan to make my mom and my grandmother some amazing little mini succulent/cacti gardens in some planters I snatched up at Big Lots last week.... I can't wait to get home!! Stay tuned for pictures of the new gang just as soon as I get out to my balcony!
Among my treasure are some Haworthias... After reading this wonderful article that my cousin Gina shared with me by Geoff Stein called Haworthias - The Jewels of the Succulent World I was compelled to go find some (more.... hehe, yes I have some already). The article is featured on the website Dave's Garden which in itself is a wealth of information about plants!! Great source... endless things to read and pictures to drool over.....
I was in too much of a rush to take pictures of everything that I bought (and everything else that I wanted to buy) and it's a shame because it's such a beautiful sunny day out and I could have done a post on the Home Depot garden section, hehe. At the moment I am brainstorming on my mother's day gifts, I plan to make my mom and my grandmother some amazing little mini succulent/cacti gardens in some planters I snatched up at Big Lots last week.... I can't wait to get home!! Stay tuned for pictures of the new gang just as soon as I get out to my balcony!
And because I just can't stand to post a pictureless blog, here are some images featured in a post by Apartment Therapy called 10 Best Succulents with their names and nicknames. Also, there are some images towards the bottom of succulent planters and unique ideas for planting succulents..... Enjoy!
I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
(Mine doesn't look quite this attractive! hmmm)
...and here are the Fire Sticks in a planter......

.....and here it is again because I LOVE IT! And I didn't know that it produced flowers!!!! I can't wait until mine gets that full!! ...gorgeous!

And here are some beautiful little succulent planters that I found on Apartment Therapy as well.... stunning!

And boy, do I wish I had some steps so I could do this!!!.... This is absolutely wonderful!....

This is a great idea for a small strip of soil and to add beauty to an otherwise dreary unused gap!..... WOW!

And last, but not least, this little masterpiece.... I found this for sale on Esty in a store called BecomingMrsFord. At eighty buckaroos this little (or shall I say big) number is quite pricey, however the image is enough to inspire a hunt for the perfect copper/brass bin for a DO-IT-YOURSELF project! I am in love with this....