My Mother's Garden ...and our pups!

A few days ago I stopped by my mother's house during lunch while running some errands and I got carried away taking pictures of her patio, her yard, and all aspects of her lovely garden! The sun was shining bright and warm and the conditions were ideal for vivid photographs, plus, I just had to show you all just where my new-found green thumb "stems" from, hehe.... You see, the real talent is not just having lots of beautiful plants, but taking care of them so that they thrive and multiply year after year.... And that is definitely my mother's talent! Only time will tell if I'm that good too!
As soon as I can get over to my grandmother's house I will be taking pictures of her garden as well (it's endless!!!!), that way you can see how the green thumb has trickled down through the generations (since my grandmother's yard is also a product of my great grandmother's love for nature and endless days in the yard). So take a looky look....
As soon as I can get over to my grandmother's house I will be taking pictures of her garden as well (it's endless!!!!), that way you can see how the green thumb has trickled down through the generations (since my grandmother's yard is also a product of my great grandmother's love for nature and endless days in the yard). So take a looky look....

Greeting my Chewby Doo.... he's a cutie
(but a big pain in the butt trouble maker, just check out the look in that eye)....
(but a big pain in the butt trouble maker, just check out the look in that eye)....

Orchids, ooooh la la

Another beautiful little orchid just hangin' out on a side table that I gave my mom after moving out of my last apartment.... In fact, this might be the orchid I bought a year or two ago that I gave my mother to save when it dropped its flowers (I'm not good at caring for flowerless orchids!... and probably orchids in general too)....

Back when I worked as Design Librarian for Royal Caribbean's Fleet Design and Newbuilding Department they got rid of oodles of gorgeous tiles when it came time to move our offices, and who do you think was in charge of packing and disposing of design materials!? EHEM! SCORE! At the time, my aunt was also working there as an Interior Designer and she came up with this awesome idea to use all of the different tiles that were not wanted! After seeing how she bordered her french patio doors I decided to grab a tube of heavy duty Liquid Nails and do it for my mom as well....

Funky picture, looks like a doggy showdown..... hehe....

Our poor Manchita, she is old and getting super skinny, the poor gal most likely has terrible arthritis in her back trembling legs, her time is coming soon! :( I got her when I was in middle school.... time sure does fly....

The newest addition to our family, my brother's pride and joy - Kimbo! He's a real sweety pie, very strong though, he can knock you over with his enthusiastic greetings!

Her big little (hehe, oxymoron) rose bush....

These succulents are growing like wildfire in my mother's yard, it's awesome.....

I've plucked quite a few for myself... those little pink hanging bell flowers are so precious!

This tall beauty is a loner.... she stands by herself apart from the rest leaning against this metal border.... nature's perfection....

They seem to change color depending on how much light they receive, the ones in the shade are very light green and the ones that get more sun start to turn pinkish-gray and purple!

Look at that goofy face....

He's taunting me.....

Kimbo loves the pool, he just jumps right in whenever the mood strikes or to cool off, it's so funny....

This ground orchid pictured below must be as old (if not older) than me!!! That's 26 people... eek! (eek for me, not the orchid!). For as long as I can remember this big beautiful monster has been lounging near the pool........ :)

Chewby Doo, taking a breather from his obsession, lizard hunting!... hehe...

Isn't that flower pictured above so very lovely?? I love this big planter my mom has, it's full of different cacti and succulents growing wild and free!...,.

And just look at these enormous and stunning aloe plants.... Too bad I didn't take this picture about a week ago when it still had all of its yellow flowers, it was so pretty!....