Happy Earth Day.... let's wake up!
Happy Earth Day!
Today is April 22, 2010 and it marks the 40th year since Earth Day was formed by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin back in 1970. Senator Nelson held an environmental teach-in on Earth Day 1970 in order to raise concern over our environmental crisis and spur action. According to Wikipedia, Earth Day Network says this day is celebrated in nearly all countries of the world....
Unfortunately, I am not quite sure that is what all of humanity has taken from Earth Day.... At least not big business, which has done the same to Earth Day as to all the other holidays, smear its integrity and hinder its goal with the lure of consumerism! The fact that this day has been exploited by companies in order to make money is a crystal clear example of counterproductive forces working against the true meaning and objective of Earth Day itself. On that note, I read a good article this morning on the New York Times website called At 40, Earth Day Is Now Big Business that talks about this very issue and contains a quote by Robert Stone, an independent documentary filmmaker, that really stood out to me as an important point regarding Earth Day and that's that “Every Earth Day is a reflection of where we are as a culture,...If it has become commoditized, about green consumerism instead of systemic change, then it is a reflection of our society.” Check out that article!
Hopefully all these recent disasters and the the growing urgency for global change will prevail, it's up to each and every one of us to help make that happen. Ignorance is bliss, but it's only bliss for the ignorant because it creates endless troubles for the rest of us! Information is power, help spread it wide and far!
Unfortunately, I am not quite sure that is what all of humanity has taken from Earth Day.... At least not big business, which has done the same to Earth Day as to all the other holidays, smear its integrity and hinder its goal with the lure of consumerism! The fact that this day has been exploited by companies in order to make money is a crystal clear example of counterproductive forces working against the true meaning and objective of Earth Day itself. On that note, I read a good article this morning on the New York Times website called At 40, Earth Day Is Now Big Business that talks about this very issue and contains a quote by Robert Stone, an independent documentary filmmaker, that really stood out to me as an important point regarding Earth Day and that's that “Every Earth Day is a reflection of where we are as a culture,...If it has become commoditized, about green consumerism instead of systemic change, then it is a reflection of our society.” Check out that article!
Hopefully all these recent disasters and the the growing urgency for global change will prevail, it's up to each and every one of us to help make that happen. Ignorance is bliss, but it's only bliss for the ignorant because it creates endless troubles for the rest of us! Information is power, help spread it wide and far!
Anyway, I took pictures of this beautiful day on my way to work this morning... The weather is gorgeous, the sky is robin egg blue, amazing yellow flowers have bloomed on all of the trees lining US1, it's beautiful - check out my pictures below! With that said, let me tell ya, it's a crying shame that I couldn't keep driving right on past my job into oblivion, wind whipping through my hair and classic rock oldies blasting... hopefully Jimi or The Beatles or Janis... hmmm... What a splendid idea! If only... :)
Enjoy your day and appreciate Mother Earth!
Much Love,